I studied Fine Art Photography in London, in the 1980’s and have pursued it as a career and a vocation ever since.
Photography has always been, since that time, my primary creative outlet as well as my profession, in a variety of fields ranging from social to forensic work, portraiture to crime scenes.
Personal expression is a vital need, and I work continuously on self funded projects, primarily exploring romantic expressionism. Exhibiting is a vital tool in communicating work to a wider audience and I have found the dialogue vital in bridging the work , created in relative solitude, with the world outside.
The current project ‘Atmospheres’ explores the dynamic , ethereal and often beautiful transience of the UK landscape. Taken largely in Scotland, but also in areas around the South of the UK, the images are set to convey moments in time, relative to my inner ‘weather’. My work is always a ‘self portrait’. Never a document. Always an interpretation of self. As I have struggled all my life with depressive episodes, I have found the energy and dynamism of making tangible emotional states a useful, healing process.