Christopher Moon

“Knitted Heroes” is a touching collaboration between photographer and toy designer Christopher Moon and his mother Glenis.

The project has its roots within Moon’s childhood experience in Yorkshire, where Action Man played a leading role in storytelling adventures and creative play, from acting as a makeshift crash test dummy to impersonating Bruce Forsythe on the Generation Game.

Moon would spend hours playing with Action Man whilst his mother Glenis would lovingly knit jumpers, trousers and Starsky and Hutch inspired cardigans, setting the figures apart from the normally military themes of the period.

Decades on, the artist and artisan have collaborated once again with Christopher sketching evermore elaborate antihero costumes and then Glenis adding the skill and creativity of the handcrafted knitted garment.
With Moon’s love of the narrative, we see the characters mid adventure with pensive stares and melancholy longing. Ageless Action Man shrinking and twisting time, bringing childhood memory and generational connection together in this unique project.

Christopher Moon has spent a career designing toys and writing characters and stories in London, while continuing his photographic and artistic practice.
Glenis Moon still lives in Yorkshire knitting clothes for Action Men and real people too.

The photographs are taken with a large format camera, a Nikon FM and also a flatbed scanner.

Instagram: @chris.moon1970

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