Pauline Godwin

Pauline Godwin’s Love affair with photography started three years ago when her husband, who is an avid photographer, bought a cheap Canon DSLR so that they could enjoy taking photographs together. Pauline has learned so much and now sees the world from a very different perspective. The camera club that her husband was a member of is now run by Pauline and her husband.

Pauline’s ‘Bluebells In The Mist’ image was recently highly commended in the 2019 British Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards and was exhibited at the Mall Galleries plus published in a book.

She enjoys the challenge of the monthly competitions and has been delighted to win three trophies at the end of last year at her camera club.

Pauline enjoys taking Wildlife and landscapes and is really looking forward to exhibiting at the London Photo Show for her second year.

For more information, please email Pauline at:

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