Liga Kalnina

My name is Liga. I’m coming from Latvia originally, but for last 8 years I am a London-based photographer.
I started doing it in early 90’s with my first camera Canon Sure Shot AF-7 35mm. And I am still with Canon.
My fulfilled life so far was very busy in all kind of different moments, but nothing was giving me so much keenness and an abundance of feelings like being who I am – being a very happy photographer.
Photography is a biggest part of my life, my passion and my business.
Being a photographer I can express myself creatively and freely. I can give invaluable memories to my clients and see smile in they hearts and faces.
I especially enjoy working with portraits, images of street photography, fine art and real time reportages.
I always say, that pictures can be taken  anywhere and everywhere. Just one small point needs to be mentioned – you have to see and find and use your full imagination of what is around you and where are you right now to get perfect photography out of anything.
So you are more than welcome to my point of view.

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