Peter Fieldhouse

This is my third exhibition at the London Barge House and photography continues to be an important part of my life.

I attend studio photoshoots, take part in events, undertake residential trips abroad, work with a range of studios and models. Recently I have begun arranging my own shoots with models in Spain and Poland on a 1-1 basis to add further breadth and depth to my portfolio and explore further a wide range of themes and styles.

Whilst some photographers focus on one or a few niches and stay content and happy, I engage with a studio/street photography, dance, art nude, fashion, cosplay, steampunk, boudoir, portraiture and get a lot of enjoyment sourcing outfits, props and accessories from charity shops and Sunday markets. Much of 2023 has been spent working collaborations with several models on a tfp basis who are like minded stylists and the results can be viewed on IG @Fieldhousephotography or, on Purple Port @Peter Fieldhouse.

Instagram: Fieldhousephotography


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