Having loved photography since teenage years, I have always been interested in learning and experimenting with cameras, first of all film and now digital. My first love was black and white and the dark room. Digital photography opened up all sorts of new options including the world of colour. From workshops to videos to time with more skilled photographers, mentors, photo friends, workshops, youtube videos and hours and hours out and about with my camera I’ve been hungry to learn. Ending full time work some six years ago has meant that I finally have lots of time to give to taking photos, processing, printing, bookmaking and exhibiting.
I’m at my happiest at the coast especially in Scotland and love the beauty of the often rugged landscape there. As a city liver for many years though, the world of abstract photography, intentional camera movement and multiple exposures has opened up all sorts of new opportunities and ways to express my creativity. I love the element of the unexpected that comes with this kind of photography that blurs the line often between photography and painting.
The images I will be showing at the Bargehouse this year will be creative images that will maybe leave people wondering whether it is indeed a photograph they are looking at.