Pamela Aminou – Exhibitor Sep 2016


About Pamela Aminou:

Photography started for me as an escape. However, I use it as a mean of self-expression; a way to document my emotion.
Through each image I make, I am able to transcribe what I felt that day and time, to better understand my reality and most importantly to interpret the world around me.
This allows me to engage more deeply with where I am in space and time. My goal is to make photographs that draw viewer’s attention. I focus on details of both the present and the past, a way to see how far we’ve come.
My choice of subjects come from my interest of aesthetic and how we are able to shape the world around us. Each subject documents our generation, our growth, and connection to the environment around us.
I seek the unique beauty and use light and shadow as a tool to shape my own reality. Every subject in my work has its own story and I use my vision to try to tell each story.
By using black and white imagery as my choice, I take the viewer one step away from the actual reality. Using long exposure on the other hand slows you down and lets your mind and imagination almost dance in front of the subject as a way to purposely make you think and make our own interpretation of what is presented.
I’ve also recently started working with traditional architecture. With the rise of the modern architecture, these beautiful and unique places are left sometimes abandoned and through my recent work, I am trying to reveal their forgotten beauty as a reminder that we started from somewhere.
I am inspired by stories, beauty and emotions. I have learned from early on to follow my instinct in life. This strangely guides me to choose my subject and conjures the various series I embark on.
This collection of work comes from my desire to preserve our stories and beautiful moments in my life.

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