Stewart Cowie

My name is Stewart Cowie. I am a Deputy Head Teacher who relies on Photography to provide an escape.

My father gifted me an old Olympus camera nearly 39 years ago and my interest was born taking me on a journey that involved travelling to places and seeing things that I never imagined would be the case as a young boy.

The small, everyday things interest me the most. The things most people do not see as life whisks them by in this un-relentlessly fast world. I don’t worry about the camera or lens that I use. To me there is no right or wrong way to take a photograph, my only aim is to capture the moment as I see and feel it.

Photography is not my interest or hobby but my therapy.



61 responses

  1. All the photos are amazingly captured, but the one that caught my attention the most is the photo of the leaf, beautiful and unique.

    1. Thank you Laveena, really appreciate your feedback. The leaf photograph was taken on a walk through Morag’s Faerie Glen in Dunoon, Scotland shortly after a heavy rain shower. It was resting on a wooden handrail and the sunlight was poking through the heavy tree canopy and lit it beautifully.

  2. A stunning collection of photographic talent! All three are fantastic, however, the most eye catching for me is the photograph of the horses. When admiring this image, you can be transported there by the capture of lights through the sky and chill of the frost on the ground. Stunning work

    1. Thank you so much Melissa, it means a lot that you have described how the photo transports you. A much appreciated insight. The photo was taken early morning on a bitterly cold day at Houghton House, Ampthill. The horses were in an adjacent field and were frequently obscured by the bank of rolling fog.

    1. Thank you so much Sophie, the coppers, golds and bronzes really leapt out with the sunlight. I’m glad you enjoy it.

    2. They are all stunning in their own way. The colours on the leaf one are beautiful. Epitomises autumn in a single shot.
      The black and white one is fab as I love the movement of the dancer being suspended for that split second.
      The horses are just so calming and lovely to look at. The backdrop and ground are captured in such a way that you can feel just how cold a morning it really was.
      Well done. Fantastic.

      1. Thank you Lyndsay, really appreciate such insightful feedback. I’m glad that you appreciate them on your own personal level. Interestingly the ballet dancer was the daughter of an ex colleague taken at Stowe House, Buckingham and this photograph was the first shot of the day.

  3. Absolutely beautiful photo’s, have just shown alex and he says his favourite is definitely the leaf photo and that the colours are amazing.

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback I really appreciate your comment. One day I’m sure Alex will be exhibiting his very own photographs!

  4. My favourite has to be the photo of the leaf. The colours are beautiful and the way the drops of water sit on the leaf are mesmerising. I also like the two ponies and the way the light bounces off the pony in the front and changes his colours. Lovely photos Mr Cowie.

    1. Thank you Jan for sharing your thoughts with me. Love your analysis of the light on the ponies and the delicate balance of the water droplets on the leaf.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Teresa, I really appreciate it. The leaf has certainly caught a lot of people’s eyes.

  5. Fantastic photos Stewart. I love the ballerina in mid flight, it is wonderful. But I think my favourite is the leaf. Just beautiful 😊

    1. Thank you Cecile for sharing your thoughts with me. I can see that you have enjoyed engaging with them as much as I had taking them… job done.

  6. A superb collection of captures. The artist has managed see beyond what many people would view in a first glance and produce these amazing stills. For me, the image of the horses is one that stands out the most. A cold, frosty and peaceful morning captured with one click of a button. The lighting used highlights the focal point and the way you have captured the early morning sun bouncing off of the colours of the horse is phenomenal.

    Extremely pleased to have seen this set and look forward to seeing more.

    1. Thank you Koron for your insight and praise. The feelings you have portrayed are what I’d hoped to capture. I hope that I can continue to improve and create more for you to enjoy.

  7. Wow, a hidden talent I didn’t realise you had. The leaf picture catches my eye the most, amazing!

    1. Thank you Aine. My main aim is to capture the moments that most people miss… people rarely take the time to look up, down or closely.

  8. These photos are amazing Stewart such a talent to capture such fabulous images.
    Keep up the hood work love seeing your work.

    1. Thank you Kerry for your kind words and encouragement, it means a lot. I have plenty more to post over the coming months.

  9. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. You are so right there is no wrong or right way to take a photo, as we all see beauty in different ways.

    The photo of the leaf is my personal favourite.

    1. Thank you Dee, totally agree that we all see beauty as individuals. I am extremely happy that you enjoy the leaf photograph.

  10. These are very magnificent and stunning pictures. They really catch your eye and capture the moment. I really love the leaf picture because it really stands out as it is unique and very beautiful.

    1. Many thanks for your kind comment Georgia it means a lot that you have seen the uniqueness.

  11. All your photos are beautiful!
    The leaf is the winner with me as well, maybe because is autumn and I resonate with it more because of this.
    Good luck!
    I wish you further success and many more expositions attended!
    Keep posting the links, I would love to follow you virtually, everywhere you go!
    Best wishes,

    1. Thank you for joining me on my photography journey Violeta. I am so pleased that the leaf resonates with you on a personal level. Looking forward to sharing more photography with you in the future.

  12. Wow wow wow

    They are all incredible.

    The peace and tranquillity of the horses, it’s just the pure stillness I love.

    The movement and kinetic energy of the dancer. You can really feel it

    And that leaf, must be a macro lens?
    Exquisite detail

    1. Amazing comments Michael, thank you! You have used words that sum up exactly the mood/atmosphere there was at the time. Love that you see what I saw. The lens was not a macro but a Nikon 55mm-300mm f/4.5-5.6 lens. Details: ISO100, 240mm, f/5.3, 1/60sec.

  13. All pictures are beautiful, Stewart, although the picture I like the most is the ballerina as it made me curious. What is there we don’t see? The ballerina’s hair is down, which is unusual and not being able to see her face makes me wonder what is her story? Is there a tragedy or simple there’s a joy without prior arrangements and dancing for the moment?
    I look forward to seeing more of your work and good luck!

    1. What an interesting perspective Brigitta, and one that does indeed draw us into asking searching questions. I do believe that her leap was more than a physical act on the day and the picture is rather symbolic of her hope. Thank you so much for your comments, I am extremely grateful.

    1. Thank you Vickie, I’m so pleased that you were drawn to the leaf it does have a habit of catching the eye. I really appreciate your comment and you taking the time to share it with me.

  14. Natural, beautiful shots, so talented!
    Each picture has captured different elements with amazing detail, the colours, the lighting brings everything to life. My personal favourite is the Leaf, drawn in by the way the lighting makes the droplets of rain look like precious beads of gold and silver. My family loved the Horses, you are able to feel chill in the air looking at the frosty background. The use of lighting illuminates the horses and brings warmth to this photograph.
    Great work of art! Thank you for sharing Stewart, all the best.

    1. Wonderful comments Roz, so grateful. Lovely feedback from your family too! Love the beads of gold and silver analogy and that you can feel the chill in the air in the pony photograph. Thank you.

  15. How cool Stewart!! Love your description of the leaf image, it’s an amazing photo!!!

    1. Thank you so much Carmela, really appreciate your feedback and vote for the leaf.

  16. What a stunning picture . Looks like small pearls of gold on the leaf. Such beauty in nature.

    1. Cheryl, we are surrounded with beauty and splendour more than we ever realise! This photograph emphasises what we can see when we stop for long enough and look. Thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate your comment and your time.

  17. Beautiful and mesmerizing images. I love the stillness and beauty of the leaf photo. the contrast of the tranquillity of the backdrop of the horse scene with the light and movement of the horses. And the dancer is captured beautifully – a moment of expression so easy to miss with the naked eye.

    1. Many thanks for your insight Clare. I love your use of stillness and tranquillity, everything I look for when I’m out with my camera. I agree that so many people miss the natural beauty with their eye, but it is hardly surprising as we tend to be thinking ahead most of the time and forgetting the ‘now’.

  18. All the photos are amazing. I love the angle and unusual colours you’ve captured in the leaf. I feel there is a timeless quality in the photo of the horses. The image of the dancer exhibits an air of freedom of expression and joy in dance to me.
    Beautiful photos and they invoke a sense of tranquility and hope.

    1. Hi Kim, thank you for contributing your thoughts. The angle you mention was key to allowing the lights impact on the water droplets to have the effect it did. The colours were incredible to see! Great to hear ‘timeless’ and ‘freedom’ used as lost in the wilderness gives a sense of both.

  19. Stewart your photographs are amazing. You make the ordinary look extraordinary. You have a gift ! Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you Vinette! Really appreciate your lovely comment. I hope that my photography continues to provide moments of joy or give cause to question for a long time to come.

  20. The leaf is such a stunning photograph. Nature tells a beautiful story and you have told it so well.
    Thank you for sharing all your amazing work.

    1. Hi Kristy, many thanks for sharing your comment with me. I totally agree with you that Nature tells a beautiful story from beginning to end. Recently did some work on flowers that were at the end of their life cycle and they were truly amazing.

  21. Stunning set of photographs that give us a glimpse through the eyes of your soul. How you ‘see’ these pictures is a mystery and a gift. Thank you for sharing them and looking forward to seeing many more.

    1. Thank you Daniela for your amazing comment. Indeed I sometimes amaze myself with what I ‘see’ and I often go with my feeling. I hope you continue to enjoy my work.

  22. All three photographs are amazing but my favourite and the most unique one is the ballet dancer. The dancer portrays a sense of fearlessness. The mysteriousness of the dancer’s covered face resembles the obscurity of feelings behind the photograph.

    Stewart, your captures are fantastically abstract and create an open mind towards the interpretation of the pictures.

    1. The obscurity involved a conversation regarding tying her hair up or having it down. She expressed a need to feel free of restriction or ‘rules’. I’m really pleased that viewers are reacting to her need. Keeping an open mind when I go out with the camera is part of the therapy experience. I often just wander with no agenda or schedule and watch and wait for the opportunities to arise. Thank you so much for contributing your thoughts and feelings.

  23. I have been an admirer of your work for many years Stewart.
    Your photos seem to get better and better with each subject you capture

    1. Thank you Starry… so pleased that you feel they are getting better, I feel as if I am getting more at ease with myself and understand what makes myself tick. Therefore my work reflects the personal journey.

  24. All the photos are amazing but absolutely love the leaf photo. Stunningly captured and shoes Mother nature so beautifully!!

    1. Really appreciate your feedback Denny and thank you for voting for Morag’s Leaf. I’m pleased you have seen and appreciated what Mother Nature has on display for us every day.

  25. Amazing photos! My favourite is the horses! The mood and and colour scheme is so calming yet powerful.

    1. Thank you Ryan for your insight for the ponies photograph. Calming yet powerful are often at the opposite ends of the spectrum but always seem intrinsically linked.

  26. Hi Stewart, your photos are stunning and gorgeous.
    I specially like the landscape with the horses.
    Simple yet it beautifully catches the light to create those lovely purple and golden colours.

    Congratulations for your work!

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